Solo exhibition in Galleri Verkligheten, Umeå (SE) 2022
R as in ______ (fill the blank) starts from a personal experience of having misunderstood the word “rock” for the word “rug” and the absurd, however intriguing, conversation that the misunderstanding set in motion. Similarly, the works in the exhibition use verbal and visual ambiguity to challenge the desire to name that which escapes categorization, and the need to make certain what is uncertain.
Here, text and movement are woven together in various materials to underline the tensions between slipperiness and precision, ineffability and clarity, intrinsic dichotomies of relationships and communication.
The exhibition is supported by supported by Arts Promotion Center Finland, Finnish Cultural Foundation and HIAP - Helsinki International Artist Programme.
The biggest thank you to Essi Kausalainen, Michael McCrea, Maarit Mustonen, Maria Olsson, Kaisa Piiparinen, Moa Ryman and Aoi Yoshizawa.