Site-specific performance, 2018
“In the Dark”. Durational performance, 1h. Performed in Bildmuseet Umeå (SE) during at Rum for Performance festival, 2018
“In the Dark”. Durational performance, 1h. Performed in Norrlandsoperan, Umeå (SE) during at Rum for Performance festival, 2018
In the dark, the limits of your body are no more definable. In the dark, you become space. In the dark, all the senses are attuned and the reference points move inwards. In the dark, there is nothing to view. In the dark, everything reveals with time.
In the Dark is a movement-based performance which challenges our daily perception of time and space. The location and its architectural connotations move from being a background to a tool for new discoveries, a prosthesis perfectly fitting in its host. The tempo of the fluid, slow and often almost imperceptible motion makes the attendant face his need of speed and virtuosity imposed and embedded in the contemporary society. When boredom is felt, you can either escape or let it embrace you.
The performance is conceived as a casual encounter between the audience and the mover in non-places: spaces in between and without specific significance, where time is not spent and of which spatial elements are ignored.